
admin 3个月前 (02-23) 全部赛事 19 0


  England's failed footballers will return home after the country's most humiliating defeat in its history made them a worldwide laughing stock.英格兰足球队经历了其足球史上最耻辱的一次失败,这成为了众所皆知的一大笑柄。其队员将返回故土。

  Roy Hodgson resigned minutes after an abject England crashed out of Euro 2016– humbled by tiny Iceland, the lowest ranked team left in the competition with a population of just 332,000.在英格兰队遭遇惨痛淘汰止步2016欧洲杯不久后,罗伊·霍奇森辞职。将其击败的球队来自人口仅有33.2万的小国冰岛。冰岛队的参赛排名最低。

  Today the team's 'lucky' lion mascot Leo was shoved under suitcases and then tossed into a lorry outside their Nice hotel after a showing legend Alan Shearer called 'the worst performance from an England team, ever'.今天英格兰足球队的“幸运狮”利奥被塞进旅行箱,后又扔进球队所住的尼斯宾馆外的卡车里。传奇人物阿兰·希勒称该队打了场它有史以来最差的一场比赛。


  Hodgson, who was paid £3.5million a year, and his multi-millionaire ‘Three Lions’ side were beaten 2-1 in a new low for the national team in a major tournament.霍奇森每年挣350万英镑。而在欧洲杯这场主要赛事中,他带领的百万“三狮队”创下了球队成绩新低,以2-1的比分被击败。

  The players were barracked by fans from the stands after paying a fortune to watch the team perform so badly in a major tournament.看台上的球迷发出一片嘘声。他们付重金,却看了场表现如此渣的比赛。

  The manager had quit immediately after the match in Nice, France, and said afterwards: 'I'm sorry it will have to end this way but these things happen'.英格兰球队的经纪人在这场法国尼斯的比赛结束后立马离开,而后称:“我很抱歉事情竟会如此告一段落,但现实就是如此。”


  England had taken a fourth-minute lead from a Wayne Rooney penalty, but held that advantage for little over a minute as defender Ragnar Sigurdsson equalised for Iceland.比赛进行到4分钟时,英格兰凭韦恩·鲁尼的罚球获得一分。但这一分才保持了短短一分钟,冰岛的防守球员拉格纳·西于尔兹松就进一球,把比分扳平。

  Only 12 minutes later England were behind after goalkeeper Joe Hart – at fault for Gareth Bale’s goal for Wales earlier in the tournament – failed to keep out a shot from striker Kolbeinn Sigthorsson in the 18th minute.仅过了12分钟,英格兰队便落后了。18分钟时(冰岛的)科尔贝恩·西格索尔松射入的一颗球,守门员乔·哈特没能将其扑出。早先在对阵威尔士队时,哈特也没能守住,让对方球员加雷斯·贝尔进了球。

  But as the game went on England failed to cope with the pressure and Iceland looked the more likely to score before Hodgson's men crashed out.但随比赛的继续,英格兰没能抵御住压力,冰岛则看上去更有可能得分了。这时比赛结束。
















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